
Automatically embed PanoMoments using

PanoMoments are a new short-form VR photo format that couples space and time. Think of them as the GIF of VR. You can capture them with a rotating camera, simply convert from 360 video, or even animate them with applications like Unity 3D.

Integrating PanoMoments with your website through enhances user engagement by providing an immersive experience directly within your site's ecosystem. When visitors hover over hyperlinks to PanoMoments, they are greeted with an instant link preview in a popup, offering a tantalizing glimpse of the VR content. This immediate visual feedback not only enriches the browsing experience but also encourages users to interact more deeply with the content. By presenting a summary hyperlink in a non-intrusive overlay, visitors can seamlessly transition from curiosity to exploration without ever leaving your page.

When a visitor clicks on a hyperlink to a PanoMoment, takes the experience a step further by automatically extracting and displaying the embed code in an overlay popup. This allows the rich VR content to be showcased in a way that is both accessible and captivating, keeping users engaged on your site for longer periods. The integration of PanoMoments with ensures that the cutting-edge VR photo format is presented in the most user-friendly and interactive manner, making your website a go-to destination for innovative and engaging visual content. By keeping users on your site with these rich link previews, you not only enhance their experience but also improve the likelihood of increased traffic and longer visit durations.

Supported URLs will automatically generate embeds in the popup overlay for the following URLs:


How it works?

To enable automatic embeds on your website:

  1. Sign up to
  2. Install script on your website
  3. Hyperlink text & images on your website

Embeds with link previews will automatically appear when visitors hover & click over the hyperlinks. No need to copy any embed codes, everything is takes cares of.

Watch Demo 0:30s
Watch Demo 0:30s


More rich link preview embeds to integrate