
Automatically embed Ghostarchive using

Ghostarchive is an archive website, intended for use for personal and scholarly use, similar to,, and Use it to keep a record of a page or video for the foreseeable future in a paper citation, historical website, or more.

Integrating with Ghostarchive enhances user engagement on your website by providing instant link previews. When visitors hover over hyperlinks connected to Ghostarchive, they are greeted with a succinct summary in a popup, allowing them to glimpse the archived content without navigating away from your page. This seamless experience encourages users to explore more content, as they can quickly preview the relevance and context of the linked archive without interrupting their browsing flow. The integration ensures that scholars, researchers, and curious minds can efficiently access historical records and citations with minimal disruption, fostering a more informative and user-friendly environment.

When users click on a hyperlink leading to Ghostarchive, elevates the browsing experience by automatically extracting and displaying the embed code in an overlay popup directly on your site. This immediate access to rich link previews of archived pages or videos keeps visitors engaged and immersed within your digital space. By presenting archived materials in an accessible and interactive format, not only streamlines the research process but also enhances the retention of visitors on your website. This integration is particularly beneficial for educational, research-oriented, and historical websites, where maintaining the continuity of information consumption is paramount.

Supported URLs will automatically generate embeds in the popup overlay for the following URLs:


How it works?

To enable automatic embeds on your website:

  1. Sign up to
  2. Install script on your website
  3. Hyperlink text & images on your website

Embeds with link previews will automatically appear when visitors hover & click over the hyperlinks. No need to copy any embed codes, everything is takes cares of.

Watch Demo 0:30s
Watch Demo 0:30s


More rich link preview embeds to integrate