Natural Atlas

Automatically embed Natural Atlas using

Natural Atlas is a mapping platform built for the outdoors, connecting beautiful maps and rich data with your experiences. Build custom maps for storytelling, construct itineraries, or share your own adventures and observations taken in the field.

Integrating into your Natural Atlas platform enhances user engagement by providing instant, informative link previews. When visitors navigate your site and hover over hyperlinks, they're greeted with a succinct summary in a popup, allowing them to quickly grasp the content without navigating away from the page. This seamless experience keeps users on your site longer, reducing bounce rates and improving the overall user experience. The link preview serves as a visual cue, enticing users to delve deeper into the rich data and custom maps that Natural Atlas offers, thus enriching the storytelling aspect of your platform.

For a more immersive experience,'s rich link preview capability is essential when users click on hyperlinks within Natural Atlas. Instead of redirecting to another page, automatically extracts and displays the embed code in an overlay popup, keeping users engaged within the context of your content. This integration allows for a fluid display of maps, itineraries, and adventure logs, ensuring that users can interact with your rich media content without ever leaving the site. The ability to preview content in this manner not only enhances usability but also encourages users to explore and interact with the wealth of information that Natural Atlas has curated for outdoor enthusiasts.

Supported URLs will automatically generate embeds in the popup overlay for the following URLs:


How it works?

To enable automatic embeds on your website:

  1. Sign up to
  2. Install script on your website
  3. Hyperlink text & images on your website

Embeds with link previews will automatically appear when visitors hover & click over the hyperlinks. No need to copy any embed codes, everything is takes cares of.

Watch Demo 0:30s
Watch Demo 0:30s


More rich link preview embeds to integrate