
Automatically embed Listly using

Listly - Lists made easy + social + fun!. We help bloggers & brands curate, crowdsource, and engage readers via live embedded list content inside blog posts.

Integrating into your website enhances the user experience by providing instant link previews that offer a glimpse of the content behind hyperlinks. When visitors hover over a Listly hyperlink, they are greeted with a concise summary in a popup, allowing them to quickly ascertain the relevance and value of the linked content without navigating away from the current page. This seamless integration keeps users engaged, reduces bounce rates, and encourages a deeper exploration of the content, all while maintaining the aesthetic and flow of your site.

When it comes to engaging with rich media content from Listly, elevates the experience by extracting and displaying the embed code directly within an overlay popup on your website. This means that when visitors click on a Listly hyperlink, they can immediately interact with live embedded list content, such as curated collections or crowdsourced information. This direct interaction not only keeps users on your site longer but also promotes a dynamic and interactive environment that can lead to increased reader engagement and content sharing.

Supported URLs will automatically generate embeds in the popup overlay for the following URLs:


How it works?

To enable automatic embeds on your website:

  1. Sign up to
  2. Install script on your website
  3. Hyperlink text & images on your website

Embeds with link previews will automatically appear when visitors hover & click over the hyperlinks. No need to copy any embed codes, everything is takes cares of.

Watch Demo 0:30s
Watch Demo 0:30s


More rich link preview embeds to integrate